Getting Started

This is a guide on how to edit/make palettes for hero chao in Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 (as of right now, this has only been tested with 2). Keep in mind this is exclusively for the Steam version of Sonic Adventure 1/2, as there is no real way to mod versions on other platforms.

To get started, you will need to download the template pack for palettes. (Do note that firefox flags this as malware, which it only does that because it's hosted on filegarden.) It contains a zip file of what you'll need to make your own palettes, along with reference palettes for all chao that use them. As of right now, it's recommended that you use Photoshop to reduce the need for trial and error, but it is possible to do this with another image editing program.

A tutorial for creating textures will be released after further testing.

Note: This guide is solely for creating assets, there won't be any tutorials on creating mods for garden itself. For a guide on chao garden modding, consult the Chao World Modding Documentation here.
